viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


This tuesday fist and second of ESO went to Lorca to do Athletics tests.

In class the weeks before we practice the diferents tests that we have to do.

In Lorca each student did a test such as: shot put, long jump, endurance, speed, relay.

I did long jump and endurance, I felt very nervous at first but later I enjoy a lot. In endurance I was with my friends and the race was very funny but very exhausting as well.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

·If I want to do a planch, I have to improve my endurance and my strength.

·If I want to do lunges I have to improve my strength.

·If I want to do jumping jacks, I have to improve my endurance.

·If I want to do skipping, I have to improve my endurance.

·If I want to do a hamstring strech, I have to improve my flexibility.

·If I want to do a quad strech, I have to improve my flexibility.

·If I want to do a bridges I have to improve my  strength.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2017

·What is the orientation? 
The orientation is orientation of something with respect to the cardinal points. 

·Necesary elements to do the orientation:
Compass and map

·How is the map oriented?
Locate the map points.
Now where are the North and th South.
Know where do you want to go.

·Activities in class.
In class we practise the orientation around the high school with our classmate.
Each student leave the exit when the time passed.
The last day of class before christmas all students of high school do a race of orientation, it was very funny. 

This week all high school went to Lorca to do the orientation activity. I felt very happy and nervous. I make the race very well with my friend Ainhoa. We ran a lot but in some occasions we walk. This experience was very funny because I knew new people. 
I enjoyed a lot. I will like repeat this experience although I finished tired. 

·My reflexion:
I think that the orientation is a sport very interesting because try to do the best possible. Is very funny too alhough I have run a lot.